Molly Picon
The legendary Yiddish theater performer was photographed at the opening of the Broadway play Ari at the Mark Hellinger Theater on January 15, 1971. The previous year the winsome actress costarred with Sam Levene in a hapless comedy, Paris Is Out. As it happened, that play introduced Donald Trump to Broadway. As a 23-year-old graduate of the Wharton School of Business, the brash go-getter talked producer David Black into taking him on as a partner by putting up half the budget. The Donald got his name above the title, and that’s what he yearned for. Unfortunately the critics didn’t think the comedy was funny. It opened and closed in a matter of weeks. It was a flop that negatively impacted on the young Donald’s ambition to make a name for himself on the Great White Way. Instead he toiled in daddy’s real estate empire where he burnished his reputation in gold.