« Gina Lollobrigida

Gina Lollobrigida

Gina Lollobrigida

The actress-turned-photographer dropped into Olden’s Camera Store, opposite Macy’s in Herald Square, on November 3, 1978, and bought $7,000 worth of gear. She told me she had an assignment to photograph emeralds and other precious stones for Piaget and other clients and needed certain equipment. Among the items she purchased was a $3,000 Sinar Model O, 4X5 view camera. “It’s the Rolls Royce of the view cameras,” she said. “I have a job to shoot the most beautiful emerald in the world for Mode International, the Paris fashion magazine.” She was decked out in a spectacular full length mink coat, in orange. What else would a glamorous star wear on a shopping spree? “I have minks in every color,” she said.

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